Terms of Service and Privacy Policy


About theWebsite

The website is the official website of Goldreed Industrial Design Award(hereinafter as “GIDA”) to publish the relevant information about GIDA, which is run by GIDA Committee. GIDA Committee commits to organize the competition following the principles of justice, fairness and openness. The users on the GIDA official website are asked to follow the terms of Service and Privacy below.

1. Acceptance of the terms

Terms of Service shall apply to any and all relations between GIDA website and the participants/users(hereinafter referred to as “participant”) who register the website and are willing to accept the services by GIDA website afterwards. 

2. Changes and modifications of the terms

GIDA official website has the right to change the Terms of Service if necessary; all the changes and modifications will be informed on the website once it happens.If the participant finds impossible to accept the changes,he/she can unsubscribe the services or send a written paper through official e-mail to clarify it.

3. The participant shall make sure that all the information he/she provides is real and accurate. Any legal dispute caused by false information will be taken by the user. 

4. The website shall not be responsible for the inaccurate information input by participants or the website staff. The participant should check the information when they log in the website.

5. The jury comprising members from different countries will take English as the official language to evaluate the entries, thus the accuracy of translation from other languages should be considered by the participants.

6. GIDA 2020 promises to not charge any entry fee and evaluation fee, but the fees caused by entries delivery, insurance and tariffs should be taken by the participants.

7. Please make sure that the contact information the participant input is available during the competition in case important information sent by GIDA is missed


Terms of Privacy

1.Participant Data Collection

The data of participants will be collected only when they confirm it on the occasions of registration, submission and other actions operated through the website. GIDA Committee promises to not share or trade participant data to any third part for any use.

2.Purpose of Use 

The participant data will be used for service providing, service optimizing and account safeguard, which won’t have any influence on the evaluation.



1. GIDA Committee shall not be responsible for the wrong submitted information in publicity, printing and exhibition because of wrong information submission of participants. 

2. GIDA Committee shall not be responsible for any disputes on rights and interests between participants, winners or other third parties. 

3. GIDA Committee shall not be responsible for non-human intentional damages caused by potential hazards such as fragility, suspensibility, peeling and complicated structure. 

4. GIDA Committee shall neither be responsible for safekeeping and packages of all entries, nor for damage and loss of packages. 

5. GIDA Committee shall neither be responsible for safekeeping for the entry without the efficient delivery information, nor for any loss or damage during the shipment. 

6. GIDA Committee shall not be responsible for: 1) failure of certificate generation due to the late submission; 2) the wrong certificate information due to the incorrect submission. 

7. GIDA Committee shall not be responsible for any damage or loss conducting the evaluation, exhibition, move and storage abiding by the Clause 6.4 in “GIDA Instructions for Participants”. 

8. GIDA Committee shall not be responsible for any damage caused by installing, disassembling by Clause 6.5 in “GIDA Instructions for Participants”. 

9. GIDA Committee shall not be responsible for any damage or loss due to force majeure as natural disaster, war and country policy. 

10. Participants shall be deemed to agree above terms once submitting the entry, and GIDA committee reserves the right of final interpretation and jurisdiction.


1.Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

1.1 All participants must be the owner of the intellectual property or the designer with no dispute over the entry. For entries having not been licensed, participants need to submit an application (records) materials while the registration for the competition. For entries still without any related intellectual property certification after winning an award, GIDA Committee has the right to require written promise to guarantee the

originality of those entries. For entries with intellectual property dispute, GIDA Committee has the right to invalidate the registration of entries. 

1.2 The Intellectual Property Statement of GoldreedIndustrial Design Award Entries should be downloaded from the GIDA official website before the deadline of registration. The pictures of Statement are required to be uploaded with information and signature properly signed. 

1.3 If economic or reputational losses are caused by the defective entries, the host and the organizers have the right including but not limited to demanding economic and reputational compensations, litigation costs, attorneys' fees, insurance fees, appraisal fees, etc.

1.3 The intellectual property of all entries is owned by the participants.

2. Publicity and Confidentiality

GIDA Committee has the right to use the registration information for award promotions, including but not limited to shooting, exhibiting, news reporting, publishing of entries. All entries shall be deemed to be non-confidential, except participants applying for a Confidential Evaluation by email within Five working days after registration. GIDA Committee will not bear the loss caused by the use of the entries in publicity.

3. Registration Information

Once the registration information is submitted, modification is not allowed. GIDA Committee shall have the right to refuse any request of modification. The participants shall ensure the correctness and

truthfulness of the registration information. GIDA Committee shall have the right to revoke the entry’s award qualification and honor, and recover the prize money. In order to ensure the orderly conduct of the appraisal work, GIDA Committee and the jury shall have the right to adjust the entry category accordingly.

4. Registration Qualification 

Only the designer and the owner are eligible for registration, the participant should confirm and coordinate with the relevant units to avoid the duplicate registration. GIDA Committee shall bear no legal

responsibility for the problems intrigued by the duplicate registration and have the right to invalidate the award-winning qualification and honor, and to recover bonus if the problems are not coordinated timely. One entry is only allowed to apply for one category. 

5. Notifications and Feedback

All GIDA notifications will be released on official website and registration system, and participants shall pay close attention to related channels and respond promptly. Otherwise participants shall assume the liability to any negative consequences of missing information or delayed-reply.


6.1 According toGIDA Regulations, shortlisted entries for Second Evaluationare required to send the physical product or prototype(model). Candidates must strictly comply with Entry Delivery Instructions for delivering; any overdue delivery will be deemed as retraction.

6.2 All costs regarding transportation, tariffs, insurance, customs, etc. shall be borne by participants.

6.3 At the stage of Inputting Delivery Information, candidates should fill in the delivery information in registration system. GIDA Committee shall only be responsible for the safety, security of the entry according to the delivery information. Please see detailed information about Inputting Delivery Information in the GIDA 2020 Delivery Instructions for Shortlisted Entries. (Announced with Preliminary Evaluation Results Announcement)

6.4 All GIDA evaluations and exhibitions will take place at professional venues and entries will be transported, safeguarded and reviewed in accordance with relevant industry standards. If insurance demanded, participants shall purchase it themselves.

6.5 Participants should install the product to ensure the fully functional performance for jury’s experience. If participants entrust GIDA Committee to install the product, the detailed installation video or instructions must be provided.

7 Return

7.1 GIDA Committee is not supposed to take responsibility of returning entries after the exhibitions. While if needed participants shall provide Returning information according to theNotification of Returning Entries posted on the official website of GIDA. No submission or overdue submission will not be taken after the deadline of submission. All costs regarding entries returning including shipment fee, tariffs, insurance, customs, etc, shall be paid by participants.

7.2 GIDA Committee only returns entries two times:1) Non-awarded entries will be returned after GIDA Good Designs Exhibition; 2) Awarded entries will be returned afterGIDA Winner’s Exhibition.Specific delivery period will beannounced on GIDA official website and registration system. To ensure the progress of evaluations and exhibitions, entry returning requests will be rejected during non-return time.

7.3 Participants shall bear all costs regarding transportation, tariffs, etc. For entries to foreign countries, participants should provide the customer A/C No. of the designated courier services company.

7.4 Participants shall bear the “Deferred Management Fee” if applying after returning period according to GIDA 2019 Delivery Instructions for Shortlisted Entries. The returning time shall be specified by the GIDA Committee after receiving “Deferred Management Fee”, and urgent items are not accepted.

7.5 Participants will automatically be deemed as waiving the ownership of the entry without completing return information by August 31, 2020.

8. Donation and Collection

8.1 GIDA Committee only collects the qualified awarded entries and GIDA Collection Certificate will be issued.

8.2 All prized winners shall donate the entries to GIDA Committee. With concerns of further research and development, shipment difficulty of oversized entry, the worth over the prize, participants must submit a written application and related referential materials, then prototype or model shall be delivered after the approvalofGIDA Committee

9. Final Evaluation and Award Ceremony

All prized-winner candidates should be present at Final Evaluation for prize qualification or he/she will be deemed as disqualifying for awards and bonus. Winners will be invited to Award Ceremony and all travel expenses shall be borne by participants.

10. Certificates, Trophies and Bonuses

10.1 GIDA provides electronic certificates for prized entries. All certificates are automatically generated in the registration system for download after Final Evaluation.

10.2 One trophy for each awarded entry will be awarded at GIDA Award Ceremony. Participants who are unable to attend the event will be deemed as giving up the trophy.

10.3 Prize money will be wire transferred after award ceremony in accordance with the national tax provisions and processes in the current year. Prize money will be transferred to the nominated personal account or the company(including the branch company) account. Domestic recipient can be a company or individual, while foreign recipient can only be an individual. If the recipient is not the system registrant, a written authorization is required.

11. Participants shall be deemed to agree above terms once submitting the entry, and GIDA committee reserves the right of final interpretation.