Automatic disinfection equipment for public transport

Automatic disinfection equipment for public transport
Brand Name:广州大业产品设计有限公司
Design Company Name:广州大业产品设计有限公司
Nationality / Region:China
Entry ID:2022-06-2224106
Entry Category:Product_Group
Categories:Public Facilities
At the moment of the epidemic, public transport areas are key places for epidemic prevention and control. Large numbers of people, large mobility and closed environment lead to high risk places for the spread of the epidemic. Fast, efficient and intelligent disinfection products are provided for high-risk scenarios, so that people no longer worry about infection when traveling, and the spread of the epidemic can be suspended or even stopped. Traditional disinfection through manual spraying or ultraviolet lamp disinfection, there are many problems of incomplete disinfection, we hope to provide a kind of efficient and manual disinfection equipment with intelligent equipment design. Internal program setting, according to the use of the scene to set the disinfection time, frequency, solubility, when the point of automatic disinfection. After about 10 minutes, the virus elimination effect (elimination rate of 99.99% or more) was achieved.
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