Segway Deliverybot D2

Segway Deliverybot D2
Brand Name:纳恩博(北京)科技有限公司
Design Company Name:纳恩博(北京)科技有限公司
Nationality / Region:China
Entry ID:2022-05-2178031
Entry Category:Product_Group
Categories:Public Facilities
The Segway Deliverybot D2 robot is a lightweight delivery robot with simple look that's designed for hotels with best functions and costs, with a more open design and customized painting functions. The robot adopts No. 9 independently developed multi-sensor fusion navigation technology focusing on visual SLAM, and also cooperates with No. 9 AIOT technology. It can open elevators, automatic doors, and notification systems in the building to achieve barrier-free traffic. At the same time, high-reliability technology enables the robot to achieve true self-operation.
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