Amal Intelligent Service Robot

Amal Intelligent Service Robot
Brand Name:阿马尔(上海)机器人有限公司
Design Company Name:上海木马工业产品设计有限公司
Nationality / Region:China
Entry ID:2022-06-2910935
Entry Category:Product_Group
Categories:Public Facilities
In the future, the aging trend of the world's population, the continuous reduction of labor supply and the continuous increase of labor costs will bring severe challenges to social development and enterprise employment, which will accelerate the demand for service robots to serve human beings. Amal intelligent service robots can help customers deliver goods, greet guests, lead the way, publicity and display, remote unmanned shopping, etc. in hotels, restaurants, office buildings, hospitals, and residential buildings. It can actively communicate with customers to transmit information, automatically sterilize the warehouse, etc. Through the eye screen on the front side of the product, coupled with customized expression animations, it can express the clever expression of the service robot's eyes when it is working, the happy expression of encountering customers, and the anxious expression when the service is blocked, etc., which has achieved the purpose of human-computer interaction; Through the change of the color of the front, rear and side atmosphere lights, different states of service, standby and charging are expressed. At the same time, the flickering of the side lights on both sides when turning and the red reminder when decelerating and braking all show service. The intelligent side of robots.
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